
2016 Shows


Friday April 29th, Saturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st - Palmer Rockarama - Crystal and Craft Fair (Palmer, SA) - Massive selection of crystals and fossils each year.


May 14th and 15th - Body Mind Psychic Show (Royal Adelaide Showgrounds, SA) - Crystals and Metaphysical Items. More info here.


June 11th, 12th and 13th - Krystalz Hahndorf Sale. (Hahndorf Main Hall, SA) - Bulk wholesale crystals and fossils direct to the public.


November 5th and 6th - Southern Rockhounds Gem Fair (Christie Downs, SA) - Gemstone animal carvings, minerals, fossils, and meteorites.


November 19th and 20th - Krystalz Hahndorf Sale. (Hahndorf Main Hall, SA) - Bulk wholesale crystals and fossils direct to the public.


All Year - Nhill Oasis Motel - (Nhill, Victoria - halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne on the main highway) - Permanant display of crystals and fossils available to purchase - both retail and wholesale. See for details.

Oasis Motel - Halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne