Krystalz Expo

Crystal and Fossil Expo in Hahndorf

Showcasing SA's largest range of crystals and fossils

When: June Long Weekend & October Long Weekend every year. 10am to 5pm.
Next event is October 1st, 2nd + 3rd 2022.
Where: Hahndorf Memorial Institute, 59 Mount Barker Road, Hahndorf, SA 5245.
Price: Free public entry.

It's on again! Come up to Hahndorf to see an unparalleled variety of crystals, minerals, and fossils.
Whether you are an avid collector, market stall holder, or own a shop, everything you could possible want is all on display under one roof for one weekend only.

Wholesale crystals direct to the public


For only one weekend, Krystalz will be holding a wholesale direct to the public sale, held in the Hahndorf Memorial Hall.
The following will be available to purchase: Crystals, from tumbled stones to large clusters - available from one stone to many kilos. Genuine Fossils of Dinosaurs, Fish, Trilobites, Coral, Ferns, Shark teeth and much more. Rare Meteorites, Moldavites, Tektites, and even fragments of the Moon and Mars! A large selection of Jewellery including Pendants, Necklaces, Bracelets, etc. Figurines are available in a wide range of gemstones in 2-3cm small animal carvings, up to large ornamental display pieces! A variety of gemstone birds are also available, carved out of a range of stones, in many different sizes and species of birds. Gemstone Carvings also come in a large selection of shapes and sizes, such as Merkabas, Pyramids and a huge selection of crystal Spheres. Krystalz has the widest range of Aqua Aura crystals in Australia, supplying unique and rare specimens. Plenty of Bismuth and many more unusual pure elements and metals will be available.
Find the perfect gift at the Crystal and Fossil expo held by Krystalz in Hahndorf.